XIMEA releases sCMOS Scientific grade camera models with cooled and high-speed versions
Continuous progress in scientific fields places ever higher demands on the tools used in various research application areas.
To meet these increased requirements XIMEA has integrated the newest technologies improving the parameters important for the scientific community.
This progress started with the introduction of the newest Scientific CMOS (sCMOS) sensors by Gpixel company, assembled mainly under GSENSE family.
The XIMEA team chose to start with models based on GSENSE5130, GSENSE400, GSENSE6060 and especially GSENSE2020 including the BSI versions.
The main distinguishing features of the sCMOS sensors are their remarkable Dynamic range of up to 90 dB and exceptionally low noise down to 1 e-.
With the BSI or Backside illuminated versions the sensor gets an additional boost in the Quantum efficiency in certain cases reaching 95% sensitivity.