With the recent changes to the Indigo Vision web site we are pleased to advise that the Indigo Vision product data sheets and information are available for download from INTEGRATED PRODUCTS web site at http://integratedproducts.com.au/
Our web site will shortly include data sheets on the new range of Indigo product being readied for release, including:
- New Linux based Enterprise NVR’s with up to 84Tb on board HDD storage capacity – and still only 2RU sized;
- New FRONTLINE Body Worn cameras with new 14 way dock and Network Dock Controller and new style flexible mounts (camera side fixing);
- New BX Auto Tracking X30 optical Zoom HD Adaptive IR PTZ Dome, and X30 4MP IP PTZ Dome Cameras;
- New BX MINIDOME Cameras with & without IR, 4MP and 1080p variants
- New BX IR BULLET Cameras, 4MP and 1080p variants;
- New BX 3600 Fish Eye Cameras, including 6 & 12MPX variants;
- New HD ONVIF compliant Decoder enabling full hardware decoding of HD/HDMI to Composite Video;
- New HDMI/SDI ONVIF compliant Encoder: enables PC display to be integrated into the Control Center GUI monitor displays and recorded to Indigo NVR’s – ideal for “capturing” screen activity or displaying to separate monitors;
- Latest Control Center software release with “Dockable” tabs – unclutters the screen; Story Board export (rrecordings can be exported from Control Center as a “storyboard” – a set of related recordings from different cameras and time periods); web browser Windows (view web pages in Control Center without switching to a separate browser application – can also be docked); Geographic Maps and improved ONVIF support.
Keep an eye out for our Technology Highlights Road Show Perth dates (May 2016) for introduction and demonstration of the new product range.
If you are unable to locate any specific information via our web site please feel free to contact us or e-mail support@integratedproducts.com.au