The Genetec Security Center SaaS will be hosted in Australia on the Microsoft Azure cloud platform, according to an August 20, 2024, statement from Genetec Inc.
The company says public and private sector organisations throughout the region can now obtain the flexible physical security cloud technology offering they require. They will also benefit from fast, low-latency access to the solution while ensuring data sovereignty protocols are met. Australia joins the United States, Canada, and the Netherlands as one of the four countries where Genetec has launched a data centre for Security Center SaaS.
“Australia is a forward-thinking nation that recognises the benefits of adopting cloud solutions,” said Genetec’s Asia Pacific Chief Product Officer Leon Langlais. “Establishing a data centre in this location provides our clients with the confidence that their physical security systems are managed locally. Additionally, by offering Security Center SaaS on Microsoft Azure, we reaffirm our dedication to providing reliable and advanced technology as our customers make their move to the cloud.”
Genetec says the demand for sovereign data hosting capability, robust cybersecurity, and flexible cloud options affirmed its strategy to offer a security solution hosted on an Australian data centre.
Genetec Security Center SaaS is a scalable and open software as a service offering that unifies access control, video management, intrusion monitoring, automation, and many other advanced security capabilities.
“Microsoft is pleased to collaborate with Genetec to host Security Center SaaS on Microsoft Azure,” said Microsoft Australia’s Natasha Clohessy. “With Microsoft’s strong stance on cybersecurity as well as the IRAP Assessment and cloud flexibility, Genetec can deliver enterprise-grade physical security as a service in Australia.”
Genetec has consistently achieved the highest level of partnership with Microsoft as a Gold Partner for more than ten years, and the two companies have enjoyed a long and successful collaboration for over 20 years. This collaboration has involved various initiatives, including cloud-based go-to-market initiatives and enhancing the skills and capabilities of its workforce.
“This announcement marks the next step in the long-standing relationship Genetec has with Microsoft,” said Langlais. “By leveraging the latest in enterprise-ready generative AI and cloud technology, we aim to solve customers’ most fundamental security challenges, enhancing the scalability, efficiency, and intelligence of security operations across various industries.”